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The opportunities in which you can develop and grow here are as diverse as the clients that we work with. What you can be sure of is the breadth of opportunity fuelled by unlimited learning and development. The only questions are where should you start, and where can you take it?

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Every team at Opus works like a start-up; a close-knit group working together towards a common goal. Find the team that fits you.

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Whatever your skills, strengths,and talents, there’s a place for them here at the forefront of tech talent solutions. That might be as a Trainee or experienced Recruitment Consultant, in a strategic or consultancy role, joining our senior leadership team, or playing a starring role in HRMarketingFinance, or Business Development.

Career paths here are far from straightforward, so you’ll be able to play to your strengths, diversifying in-line with professional potential and business needs, across your specialism and around the world.

We’re a hugely successful business that still has unlimited potential to realise, so, wherever you join us, you can be sure it’s your first move of many with us.